Friday, October 15, 2010

Welcome To REC Blog

The REC (Renewable Energy Centre) was established in the wake of the Eskom power crisis and amidst looming price hikes. The Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan has welcomed this centre into their “Sustainable Energy Efficiency Centre” (SEEC). Chaired by the metropolitan, it includes Eskom, PERCCI (the Port Elizabeth Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry), NMMU (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), the CDC (Coega Development Corporation) and CEF (Central Energy Fund). 

REC’s strategy is not to re-invent the wheel regarding environmental issues but it hopes to set a framework for a fruitful co-operation in producing a change in mentality. This will hopefully result in an increase in the use of renewable energies. Although our activities are mainly focused in P.E, this can be extended to the Eastern Cape if needs be. 

Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation, the REC’s chairman is the managing director of Kestrel, an organisation which produces wind turbines. As one of the REC’s major activities will focus on research and development within the energy sector (supporting the government plans of action), it will be in line with the South African National Energy Research Institute’s activities and funding.

The REC aims to support Environmental Education programs at P.E schools as well as environmental issues and Renewable Energy techniques at NMMU. It also plans to manage a Research and Development fund and initiate working groups on relevant topics related to renewable energies. The REC likewise offers its premises as a venue for conferences on issues related to global warming and renewable energy strategies.

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